How can I find out if my vehicle is compatible with one of your driving aids?

Easy, just get in touch! Call us or send us your vehicle/driving aid compatibility request by email. We will answer precisely and promptly.

Can your aids be fitted in all automatic vehicles?

Our disabled driver aids are designed and developed to be adaptable to as many makes and models of automatic vehicles as possible. However, depending on the features and constraints of each vehicle, the driving aid might sometimes be incompatible with certain models....

Can your driving aids be installed in a car with a manual gearbox?

No. All SOJADIS Équipement electronic systems that offer acceleration, braking or hand control solutionsare installed in automatic vehicles.

Where can I test your driving aids?

Just fill in our contact form to find the certified installer closest to you.

Can I test your driving aids before having my car adapted?

Of course! We make a point of recommending you test our equipment before you purchase. In fact, depending on your situation, it’s possible that several driving aid options might suit your needs (for example, alternative solutions to the accelerator pedal). It is...

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